Each of our bodysuits is fashioned together to uplift self-love and self-confidence. We want to empower women and to let them know their worth. We want women to rise confidently amidst the negativity and body shaming. We want women to progress.
Our one-of-a-kind bodysuits utilizes high-quality material handmade by local artisans in the god island of Bali. Not to mention our new answer to the old and outdated conventional sizes!
We are out with the old and in with the new when it comes to the traditional size labeling. Instead of labels that make women self-conscious about their body size, we've changed the small, medium, and large measurements that we all know to The (S)layer, I a(M) gorgeous, and fabu(L)ous.
This small tweak is enough to make a major difference to the way one sees themselves.